Barbara RadisavljevicWhere Have All the Real Flowers Gone?Has our more mobile lifestyle changed the way we mourn and honor our dead?Jan 6, 20221Jan 6, 20221
InA Pilgrim LifebyBarbara RadisavljevicWhat Do We Do with Great Aunt Barbara?I don’t want my heirs to have to deal with this questionJan 3, 20222Jan 3, 20222
InThirty over FiftybyBarbara RadisavljevicWhat to Expect When You Meet a Mortician ProfessionallyA poem and reflection on my first meeting with a mortician in a mortuaryNov 23, 20191Nov 23, 20191
InP.S. I Love YoubyBarbara RadisavljevicA Last GoodbyeWe didn’t realize he had come to say his last goodbye.Feb 28, 20192Feb 28, 20192
InFamily MattersbyBarbara RadisavljevicShould I Allow My Teen to Make Risky Decisions?Parents may have to decide whether to allow a teen to make a decision when head and heart don’t agree and all the risk factors aren’t…Mar 3, 20205Mar 3, 20205
InInvisible IllnessbyBarbara RadisavljevicThe Faces You Don’t See in the Suicide StatisticsThe personal stories of three who made the choice to dieJul 12, 20201Jul 12, 20201
InKoinoniabyBarbara RadisavljevicHow to Cooperate with God in Emotional HealingGod heals the broken-hearted who bring their broken hearts to HimSep 6, 20192Sep 6, 20192
InIntimately IntricatebyBarbara RadisavljevicA Phone Call I’m Glad I MadeHow quickly irritation can turn to compassionMay 27, 202114May 27, 202114
InP.S. I Love YoubyBarbara RadisavljevicJason, I’ll Always Love YouSome people have always wanted to have children. I wasn’t one of them. But as I pulled weeds one day, this particular child stole my heart.Feb 21, 201915Feb 21, 201915
InKoinoniabyBarbara RadisavljevicHow God Prepared Me for My Son’s DeathThere’s no good way to lose your son. God knew that better than anyoneAug 27, 20195Aug 27, 20195
InKoinoniabyBarbara RadisavljevicStarved for AttentionJason seemed to have an invisible sign around his neck that said, “Love me.” Maybe that’s why I didFeb 19, 201911Feb 19, 201911
InKoinoniabyBarbara RadisavljevicNow We Celebrate Our Son’s Re-Birth DayIf he hadn’t graduated to Heaven we’d be celebrating his 42nd birthdayJun 24, 20193Jun 24, 20193
InThoughts from the GardenbyBarbara RadisavljevicTime to Return to My Neglected Garden after a Long AbsenceI could not control death, but perhaps I could regain control of the gardenAug 8, 20211Aug 8, 20211
InThirty over FiftybyBarbara RadisavljevicSad Tale of Two Trees in a Neighborhood ParkI mourned the loss of a mature tree and discovered a small tree of mourningJul 6, 2019Jul 6, 2019