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InThe Book CafebyBarbara RadisavljevicWhat Is Father Tom Hiding about His Wife’s Murder?Not even a priest can escape the consequences of unresolved guiltJan 21, 2022Jan 21, 2022
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InKoinoniabyBarbara RadisavljevicWhat You Decide Now Will Affect HistoryWill your decisions help or hurt those around you and those who follow you in this world?Jun 26, 20196Jun 26, 20196
InA Pilgrim LifebyBarbara RadisavljevicHow Can I Part with This Book?It may still conceal treasure I haven’t found yetSep 20, 20191Sep 20, 20191
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InILLUMINATIONbyBarbara RadisavljevicHow Reading Fiction Can Affect a Highly Sensitive PersonWhy did I need to take a reading break just as I reached the most exciting part of a novel when I could have finished it in another hour?Jun 12, 20211Jun 12, 20211
Barbara RadisavljevicWhat Keeps Me Reading a Novel to the End?What makes me want to promote a book or abandon it before I finish it?May 27, 2020May 27, 2020
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Barbara RadisavljevicI Never Expected to Meet Ray Bradbury in a GraveyardI normally meet authors at Book Expo or at book signing events. I never would have expected to meet Ray Bradbury at the funeral of my…Mar 10, 20161Mar 10, 20161
InA Thousand LivesbyBarbara RadisavljevicWhy We Still Need Books in the 21st CenturyBooks not only expand our world, but they have substance the media cannot matchJan 10, 20222Jan 10, 20222
InKoinoniabyBarbara RadisavljevicWhat Happens to Followers of Non-Christian Religions?Only God knows for sure, but C.S. Lewis offers one viewpoint in The Chronicles of NarniaMay 24, 20193May 24, 20193
Barbara RadisavljevicDo You Keep Novels You’ve Read to Reread Later?So many books, so little time to readJun 7, 20212Jun 7, 20212
InA Pilgrim LifebyBarbara RadisavljevicAfter Reading Another Person’s Memoirs, I Appreciate My Own Childhood More Than EverSupportive parents, a stable childhood, and the assurance that God loves and accepts them can protect children from cults who would prey…Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
InA Thousand LivesbyBarbara RadisavljevicA Book Reviewer’s Nightmare: The Review That Refuses to Come Neatly to An EndSome books are like onions. You have to peel off more layers than you expected to find the hidden treasureAug 9, 20211Aug 9, 20211