My First Foray From a Sheltered Life Back to a Normal One

What’s the same and what’s different

Barbara Radisavljevic
6 min readMay 21, 2020
Image by Omni Matryx from Pixabay

Why I left home and ventured out

Yesterday I shopped for the first time since early March. At almost 80, I’m considered one of the most vulnerable during this coronavirus pandemic. Since Gavin Newsom told us Californians to stay home in mid-March, I have followed my county’s guidelines for activity and social distancing.

I was allowed to mail packages for my home mail order business and to walk to my mailbox or outdoors for exercise. I was also able to have outpatient surgery in a doctor’s office to remove cancer from my nose. But until yesterday, others have done my shopping for me and delivered groceries to my doorstep. Yesterday was my first foray on a journey back to normal. Here’s how it played out.

For a few weeks, my Toyota Venza had been flashing a message that I needed maintenance work done. I have avoided it since I don’t drive much while sheltering at home. But my husband, who is over 80, insisted it had to be done and he was going to take it in himself. He was diagnosed with a bladder infection four days ago and could not drive while on an antibiotic that makes him a bit dizzy. I decided to take the car to the dealer in San Luis Obispo, 30 miles away, myself. I took a mask in…



Barbara Radisavljevic

Christian, bereaved adoptive mom, blogger, amateur nature photographer, voracious reader. Married 57 years. Central Coast of California.