What Do You Think of Supermarket Shopping Apps?

Do you find them convenient or annoying?

Barbara Radisavljevic
5 min readJan 12, 2022
Author photo, © Barbara Radisavljevic

Grocery shopping trips between 1964 and 2000

For most of my life grocery shopping was a pleasant experience. When I was first married, I walked to our nearest market with my own little wheeled cart. I’d look at the ad, make my list, grab my cart, and walk the three blocks to Market Basket in West Los Angeles.

When I got there, I’d examine the shelves for the things on my list and compare them with other options for value and price. I’d often impulsively pick up things that weren’t on my list because they looked good or I was hungry. Sometimes the sale item in the produce department didn’t look good and I substituted something that looked fresher or of better quality.

In those days there were no computers, smartphones, or apps. Everyone shopped in person or sent another person to the store in their place. You walked the aisles, examined the merchandise on the shelves, compared prices, read labels, and put things in a physical shopping cart. Quiet background music helped relax you and encouraged you to keep browsing and adding more impulse items.

Maybe you also had a handful of coupons you had clipped from paper publications and ads. When you got to the check-out…



Barbara Radisavljevic

Christian, bereaved adoptive mom, blogger, amateur nature photographer, voracious reader. Married 57 years. Central Coast of California. https://barbrad.com